Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Project 2: Anti-AntiAging


When we first started talking about this project I was thinking about what we fabricate in life. One of the first things that came to my mind was Joan Rivers and plastic surgery. As I was researching plastic surgery I kept coming across ads for anti-aging products. There were a couple of articles discussing how these ads are being aimed at younger and younger women and some even at children. (http://stilettorevolt.com/2009/11/anti-aging/ ) So I thought it would be interesting to make a commercial spoofing the 20 billion dollar anti-aging industry and their aim at younger women. This project is a small extension of my first project. My first project focused on the fabricating of women's bodies using photo-shop. This project is commenting on women trying to use anything they can to fabricate or alter their own bodies to look younger.

First I found a commercial for Olay Total Effects (an anti-aging product) to use as a model for my project. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDt4OCVwEzE I then found a YouTube video of a baby babbling/talking to use as my spokes person in the commercial. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-J6Gqzq2CE Using this video was harder than I thought because I wasn't sure how to download it to my computer. Because of the difficulty of downloading the videos I tried using the programs Crazy Talk and Natural Reader to make my own video. Which did not work because you have to buy the full version to save the video that you create. However, I eventually found a free program to download the YouTube videos. (http://download.cnet.com/YouTube-Downloader/3000-2071_4-10647340.html?tag=mncol ) After I downloaded the video of the baby talking and the Olay commercial I used Adobe Premier to combine and edit the baby and Olay videos. I recorded the audio with my iPhone and did my best to line up the video with the audio. I do think that matching the audio with the video was the most difficult part.

The following are the different scripts that I came up with for the audio:

How come my skin looks so young? I started caring for it before the signs of aging appeared. Only Total Effects from Olay fights lines, wrinkles and in fact all seven signs of aging. Start using Olay Total Effects today and stop the battle of aging.

How come my skin still looks so young? I started caring for it before the signs of aging appeared. Olay Total Effects offers 7 anti-aging skin benefits including fighting lines, wrinkles and dark spots. Start using Olay Total Effects today and stop the battle of aging.

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